News 8 January 2025News from Portugal: PerFare influences the wellbeing of social and health workers too 9 December 2024PILOT ACTIONS: Culture&Health Projects from Malmö and Macerata 11 November 2024RADAR TOOLKIT: a Glimpse into our chosen Evaluation Method for the Culture&Health Pilot Actions 5 June 2024Fourth newsletter issue 4 June 2024A new phase has started: the first two pilot actions promoting welfare and social inclusion through the arts 31 May 2024Study visit in Budapest (HU): the last chapter of Perfare’s capacity building programme 2 February 2024A visit to Romania’s social engagement: how arts are employed for the welfare of marginalized groups 14 November 2023Connecting locally: all the Culture and Health collaborations established thanks to PERFARE 14 September 2023The calls to action are out!