Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, the Russian Federation* and Sweden
Culture, health and well-being, CCS development.
Cooperation platform established in 2010 as fourth partnership in the Northern Dimension Policy. The members of the NDPC are the European Commission and the Ministries responsible for culture in Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, the Russian Federation (suspended*) and Sweden. Governmental partnership.
Numerous projects about cross-fertilization of CCIs, organize events discussing priority themes, produce reports and researches.
The Northern Dimension (ND) is a joint policy of four equal partners: the European Union (EU), the Russian Federation*, Norway, and Iceland. It was initiated in 1999 and renewed in 2006. The structure, nature and tasks of these partnerships vary from project-centred financing to expert-oriented cooperation.
Connecting internationally and across institutions and sectors to stimulate dialogue and sharing inspiration and knowledge amon the EU and Non-EU cultural and creative sector.